Kankura Golf is a portuguese golf shoe brand, with a sustainable philosophy and produced with European top quality materials.
Kankura Golf decided to join APSGS and the 32nd Algarve Int'l by offering 2 pairs of shoes to the Best Gross and Best Net scores of two days singles competition.
In order to include players from all the 4 categories in the competition for this award, we decided:
- An extra aggregate Teresa Symington Trophy ranking will be considered in STABLEFORD
- 1 st Gross and 1st Net Stableford scores are the Kankura awards Winners
- Gross scores prevail over handicap scores
- Entry handicap will not change for net scores purposes from 1st to 2nd day
- In the event of a tie, the winner shall be resolved using the score over the last 18,9,6,3 and last holes; if still a tie, it will be decided by lot.
You can find all the available products at www.kankuragolf.com
Wishing you a nice golf and friendship week!